A little about me

A little about me

So for now, I'll introduce myself as Me. I'm a 20-something girl who loves laughing, getting lots of hugs with her hubby, cooking really yummy food (but hardly ever following a recipe), being surrounded by colour and light, taking photos, reading lots and lots of books, drawing, scrap booking and making at least just a little difference for the better to the lives of those I come into contact with.

I have severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), a complicated and ever-changing mix of anorexia and bulimia, long-term severe depression, a little bit of a dependence on alcohol, a decided tendency toward self-harm and a little agoraphobia from time to time. Oh, and did I mention suicidal ideation and emetophobia (fear of being sick)? This all as a consequence of long-term childhood sexual abuse, with a bit of emotional, physical and spiritual abuse thrown in to even things out.

I don't want to say too much about my family-of-origin, both for my own sake and the sake of my siblings, so just to avoid confusion, I will give you some names: The Father and The Mother - kind of self-explanatory really! The Bean Pole, The Pale One and The Sunshine - my siblings.

It is my plan to talk about my past and current story. No doubt this will be a slow process and it is most definitely an on-going process. I have an aversion to all the common terms/words for people in my situation - survivor, thriver, recovery, etc - so I might end up sounding confusing, but hopefully I shall be able to overcome this little quirk of mine enough that I can be of help to others out there who have had a similar background.

I am aware that it is kind of essential to mention ages from time to time, but I shall not be mentioning any dates, because of the reasons I already stated above. I hope this doesn't cause any confusion!

I look forward to getting to know you - my blog readers - and shall do my very best to respond to all comments you might leave! Alternatively, you can email me whisperingonthewind (at) gmail (dot) com ... leave out all the spaces and replace the at and dot with the corresponding symbols! :)

Be well and safe